Thinking of local color. By definition it the true color of an object. Like a red rubber ball or a rose that might look a little purple in a shadow but is really red. What the color is that is not being changed by light , either a cool north light or a hot indoor bulb. That's what is written. I question, do we really know what a true local color is? All objects absorb or reflect some sort of light. I know the ball is red, that's what I have been taught. Is it truly red? And when it comes to skin color... With ones skin, constantly absorbing and reflecting color from around the atmosphere , varies with each person skin and degrees of translucency, how can one find a true local color? Hmmmm.... So when I'm being told by an instructor to paint the local color... By brain goes into a panick ....I dive into the depths of uncertainty . What is the local I need to be that concerned with it? I liked it better when I just painted what I saw, no mater how...