Happy 2013! Expanding in many different ways.
Happy New Year!
Exciting things are occurring at mbzstudio this year.
As with all New Years or fiscal year end, we reflect and decided what needs to change in our life or business. Bringing us closer to our ultimate goal, the big picture, allowing us to make a living.
Reflection on the past personal and professional.
My mother's death September 8th was so far the greatest trauma in my life followed by surgery December 13th.
Emotional and physical trauma that I carry with me into the new year. BUT with a renewed perspective on personal and artistic life.
Recovering from surgery has given me the gift of time. Time to sleep, reflect, research, read and reconnect with friends.
I have very dear supportive family and friends, an outpouring of love and support they have given me since the end of August when my mom had her stoke is amazing, over and over again, support, love and friendship.
My plan was to be in my studio, painting the week after surgery.
As I stood in front of the stairs. The stairs became a definite no and the freight elevator I thought might be a viable substitute. I couldn't pull down the doors, too heavy.
After 2 weeks I did manage the stairs, once I reached my studio, watered the plants, I sat to paint at my easel on my newly purchased stool, thought it would be perfect -- my bum fits well, it's adjustable and great price. Well, I couldn't sit for more that a few minutes. standing was out of the question after climbing the steep flight of stairs, that I usually fly up...........
I don't know exactly when it was that I decided to concentrate on animation again. I just didn't wake up one day and say hey I want to animate again, Film is in my blood,
painting entered my life while I was at Southern Illinois University while studying photography . Wanting to combine drawing and painting with photography physically, I was told it could not be done. I set out to prove them wrong. They made it very difficult for me, and refused. SHould have been my first clue that I was on to something. I let it go. Moved to Florida.
They have been at separate ends of the spectrum for me since.
While in my last year of animation school at Sheridan I did a film combining animation and acrylic paint on blue textured paper. Finally found a medium that it worked with.
During my second year at Sheridan I had the greatest opportunity -- one day of work at the National Film Board of Canada. I worked with famous animators and had access to cells and the glass that Carline Leaf had used. ( I saved my paycheck , never cashed it. I never thought anyone would believe me.)
Filing all this information, I continued on my track as a character animator, with ok skills in drawing, I can tell you that it is a constant battle to keep the demons down. I could and can be better if I just let go of the negative talk in my head.
As I have said over and over again, especially when computer animation was making its debut, that one needs to know how to draw and animate in 2 dimensions before you can become a fully functioning CGI animator.
Since then, computer animation has dominated and 2D drawing has taken a back seat. I read a few years ago in a trade magazine that animators who had the opportunity to work with a 2D person where blown away and asked if the 2D animator could give classes. I believe most animation programs except for a few don't included life drawing.
It's sad that so much money is spend on education and receive an inferior one.
I wish I could remember where I read about the 2d animator being asked to give classes.
I have been keeping up as much as I can with the industry. Now with animation being affordable for small studio. I'm going for it!
In preparation for this I rented the studio next to mine and the wonderful owners of the Starline Factory building agreed to open a doorway between the two.
I will have a paint area, and a dry computer area. This will allow me to continue my Oil Painting , as it is I'm tripping over my animation papers, cutouts and equipment.
I'm nervous and battling demons -- looking forward to the future with enthusiasm and renewed energy
Im not one for just getting by, I need to know and experience it from the beginning ,a challenge, just when I became satisfied with my paintings, I realized that I had so much more to learn. I still do, its a continuous journey. I love painting as much as I love animation.
I hope that I can find a group. place organization like The Palette and Chisel in Chicago, wonderful classes , open studios and wonderful people, for my animation.
The plan............
spend more time drawing, doing this by attending quick sketch sessions taking a drawing class or two at the Palette ........So many talented amazing artists that I can learn from.
One never stops learning as long as you keep an open mind.
The planning has begun, shortly mbzstudio will be twice the square footage.
With more to offer, with my professional education and dedication to growth and work.
With several award winning shorts and Tiny Toons "Its a wonderful Life" under my belt.
I meet the challenge head on.
Wishing you and yours a Peaceful, Healthy Happy New Year!
Exciting things are occurring at mbzstudio this year.
As with all New Years or fiscal year end, we reflect and decided what needs to change in our life or business. Bringing us closer to our ultimate goal, the big picture, allowing us to make a living.
Reflection on the past personal and professional.
My mother's death September 8th was so far the greatest trauma in my life followed by surgery December 13th.
Emotional and physical trauma that I carry with me into the new year. BUT with a renewed perspective on personal and artistic life.
Recovering from surgery has given me the gift of time. Time to sleep, reflect, research, read and reconnect with friends.
I have very dear supportive family and friends, an outpouring of love and support they have given me since the end of August when my mom had her stoke is amazing, over and over again, support, love and friendship.
My plan was to be in my studio, painting the week after surgery.
As I stood in front of the stairs. The stairs became a definite no and the freight elevator I thought might be a viable substitute. I couldn't pull down the doors, too heavy.
After 2 weeks I did manage the stairs, once I reached my studio, watered the plants, I sat to paint at my easel on my newly purchased stool, thought it would be perfect -- my bum fits well, it's adjustable and great price. Well, I couldn't sit for more that a few minutes. standing was out of the question after climbing the steep flight of stairs, that I usually fly up...........
I don't know exactly when it was that I decided to concentrate on animation again. I just didn't wake up one day and say hey I want to animate again, Film is in my blood,
painting entered my life while I was at Southern Illinois University while studying photography . Wanting to combine drawing and painting with photography physically, I was told it could not be done. I set out to prove them wrong. They made it very difficult for me, and refused. SHould have been my first clue that I was on to something. I let it go. Moved to Florida.
They have been at separate ends of the spectrum for me since.
While in my last year of animation school at Sheridan I did a film combining animation and acrylic paint on blue textured paper. Finally found a medium that it worked with.
During my second year at Sheridan I had the greatest opportunity -- one day of work at the National Film Board of Canada. I worked with famous animators and had access to cells and the glass that Carline Leaf had used. ( I saved my paycheck , never cashed it. I never thought anyone would believe me.)
Filing all this information, I continued on my track as a character animator, with ok skills in drawing, I can tell you that it is a constant battle to keep the demons down. I could and can be better if I just let go of the negative talk in my head.
As I have said over and over again, especially when computer animation was making its debut, that one needs to know how to draw and animate in 2 dimensions before you can become a fully functioning CGI animator.
Since then, computer animation has dominated and 2D drawing has taken a back seat. I read a few years ago in a trade magazine that animators who had the opportunity to work with a 2D person where blown away and asked if the 2D animator could give classes. I believe most animation programs except for a few don't included life drawing.
It's sad that so much money is spend on education and receive an inferior one.
I wish I could remember where I read about the 2d animator being asked to give classes.
I have been keeping up as much as I can with the industry. Now with animation being affordable for small studio. I'm going for it!
In preparation for this I rented the studio next to mine and the wonderful owners of the Starline Factory building agreed to open a doorway between the two.
I will have a paint area, and a dry computer area. This will allow me to continue my Oil Painting , as it is I'm tripping over my animation papers, cutouts and equipment.
I'm nervous and battling demons -- looking forward to the future with enthusiasm and renewed energy
Im not one for just getting by, I need to know and experience it from the beginning ,a challenge, just when I became satisfied with my paintings, I realized that I had so much more to learn. I still do, its a continuous journey. I love painting as much as I love animation.
I hope that I can find a group. place organization like The Palette and Chisel in Chicago, wonderful classes , open studios and wonderful people, for my animation.
The plan............
spend more time drawing, doing this by attending quick sketch sessions taking a drawing class or two at the Palette ........So many talented amazing artists that I can learn from.
One never stops learning as long as you keep an open mind.
The planning has begun, shortly mbzstudio will be twice the square footage.
With more to offer, with my professional education and dedication to growth and work.
With several award winning shorts and Tiny Toons "Its a wonderful Life" under my belt.
I meet the challenge head on.
Wishing you and yours a Peaceful, Healthy Happy New Year!