I have two paintings going , loving my new studio. I decided to do a self portrait on the large 5 foot x 2.5 , using black paint, good thing it last forever, what was I thinking when I bought it? I like to make my own. I wanted to give the feeling of a charcoal study of hands and feet. I feel it came across exactly how I wanted. Now the plan is to paint a standing portrait , bringing the figure in and out and thru the painting , experimenting . The still life, I just couldn't resist the first flower to bloom in my garden , just so happen to be the magnolia . Haha and they are famous for lasting maybe 4 hours after being cut. I blocked in the flower worked in the stem , went back this afternoon to put in the cup. Took a picture of the flower to have for reference when it began to fade, making sure to capture its full beauty. Which is also another challenge. Being trained to work from life not from photographs. The cup maybe to big for the canvas board.but I'm going to go...