Kishwaukee Head Waters Woodstock , Illinois , Mc Henry County Conservation Dist.

After my last day with the kids for the year, I drove back to the Kishwaukee Headwaters to fix my paintings . ( I can see a strong influence of Vincent Van Gogh, 4 days with K-3 , I guess I can't help but channel a little, hahahaha) One was unfinished and damaged from a storm that blew up...... Truth be told it was blowing all day , the gust just came at the wrong time. The other had a shadow and a light that needed to be addressed . Had to do it on location. That didn't take long, but I think I over worked the second piece , the one I remembered to take a picture of. I'm really concentrating on seeing the subtle changes in the prairie landscape using values. I need to replace my red gel , which was tucked in my my leather sketchbook that has gone missing.