
Showing posts from 2013

Last painting of the workshop,

2 paintings, both studies one side Matt helped me start, I used the other side of the board to start again on my own after observing him.
Finished an awesome workshop with Matt Smith . He didn't skip a beat.  On all the time. Addressing individuals needs and bringing common painting problems to our attention. Individual and group . A wonderful group of artist from across the country. My head is swirling with information .cant wait to put everything to use . Identifying  Large shapes in the field and in the photos I take . This is the first thing I'm going to address . Having a Plein air workshop in the studio was really a good idea. It forces one to really look and learn without the distraction of the big blue and beyond.

Kicking and screaming all they way to addiction

I'm absolutely in love with painting outside, I'm happy that my quest for perfection in my figure painting drove me outside . A friend, actually several friends suggested I paint landscape outside  to improve my studio painting.  The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Geezzzz with all those light weight half ass trend following whozy painters Haha the joke was on me. I have met the most talented knowledge able , non arrogant painters/ artist ever! For one, why did I not allow myself to paint outside?  I love being outside ! I love Nature ! Love the way it feels Have respect for Nature , want to help educate people on the beauty, maybe just maybe to have more respectful for nature. ......,An on going battle. Why did I wait so long but more importantly thank you to my fellow artist that encouraged me to take the step. I'm sorry for making assumption s about Plien Air painters in general.  Thank you to all who have helped and encouraged me to stick to this total tran...

Second painting of the day. Working from photos that I took in Rico Colorado and Illinois State Beach


Day 3 was quite busy for me. 2 paintings one 11x 14


Workshop with Matt Smith

Workshop paintings that I have done so far in Matt Smiths workshop at The Scottsdale School of Art. 

Open Studio , model Amanda


Our model Amanda


Thursday night Open Studio at The Starline Building


Thursday night Open Drawing at a The Starline Building


Thursday night Open studio at The Starline


Thursday night Open Studio

Cederburg Wisconsin ,  before I knew about the power of the head light. I tried to use the street lamp. haha and this was the second time I did it, Im a slow, more stuborn … looking to see if I can carry less equipment. that  night I moved to the other side of the street. because the grass is always greener, or in this case the light was brighter…… broke my easel….. everything went flying. tube of paint went down the storm sewer. Yicks………$$$$$ and the enviroment . went into the quick paint the next day sitting on a beach chair to reach my broken easel. A reminder of my late night painting. Im not going to call it a failure , because I learned from my mistake.   Terry did an excellent job fixing it, now stronger than ever. A metaphore for this picture, rolling , having fun, meeting new people, artists, local people. making connections. Thats a part of it…….. Having a good sence of humor, in the face of failure. Picture by John Hauser. Thank you for the...

Thursday night drawing

Almost break time, Jennifer our model is doing a fantastic job. Having so much fun with fellow artists , little glass of wine good music , building relationships in our community of artists at the Starline Factory studios and Gallery's .

Thursday night drawing

I learned the importance of Notans. Remember those from art school, probably from basic design. I belive it is really good to revisit what we have learned in the past. some of us forget. I forst did a Notan on my sketchbook , several different compositions, decide which works. then I painted them, worked up a gray scale , used a red gel to find the proper value, then matched the color. The first ones were garish … but fun and a learning experience. I learned that my compositions are not as strong as I thought they were. Ha and my values are off, I spend a lot of time fighting to bring them back, adjusting, not a very efficent way to paint.
Painting rocks along the Dolores River
worked it over with my pastels from art school. Fun, Fun, Fun……..
first I worked in Charcoal. that was fun,
Thursday night Open Draw at my Studio, we had to move out into the common area. Lots of room Nice light and heat will be on next week…… Yea!
and if I painted this, would you have belived me that it was real?
And once more I was paralyzed by the beauty of Nature……… watchng the sun rise is amazing.
Back to Illinois sate beach for my monthly visit. My yellow Smart
Morning Coffee!!!!!! Would give Starbucks a run for its money!!!!!
Mother Nature is truly amazing……….
My partner in crime, forever greatful that she turned me on to this amazing workshop, and area.
my set up, we went back after the workshop ended to practice.
Im in love…..
my set up
From under the bridge
Paiinting spot after demo, tall grass all around me. After my friends from Texas told me stories about tall grass….. I learned to stamp the tall grass down before I reach for anything I dropped.
if you look close , you can see the snow.
Lizard Head… we went after lunch so the snow could melt and maybe warm a little.
Weather is starting to change…..
Demo #2
every way I turned…..
Finally found a place to paint. hahah….. I couldnt paint. So much to take in……..
I could feel the vibration before I even touched the ground. I read, and I have been to Colorado Many times. Not like this.
Demo pictures.