Home..... thoughts ...... to much information on my thoughts leave me hanging
At home for a week, in the mist of craziness........I left my paints and easel at my studio.
Going thru withdrawals and after a nightmare last night has motivated me to find alternative creative outlet.
will be an interesting week.
and NO cleaning and organizing my home is not giving me the satisfaction that I had hoped.
As sad as that sounds.
I hate a dirty, smelly house.
Love clean cloths
and an organized closet.
But have not held myself accountable to these for the past few years.
So if you come to my house, pardon the dust Im busy creating art.
Its somewhat clean, I anticipate that it will not last long.
It has been revealed to me in the past few years, thru a variety of experiences that I need, a secretary, a personal assistant ,an accountant, a dog walker, animal sitter, also a housekeeper and a cook.
A personal shopper would be wonderful.
Also a tech person for my website.
A contact person for my art, Representative.
Yes, Im overwhelmed!
because my standards are high, my expectations are high, for myself and for everyone around me.
I know, it makes it hard to have friends and my husband and my children really love me, not without consequences.
Why, for very selfish reasons......
so I could attend to my art.........Learning , workshops, painting on location. Teaching, painting with other artist.
running the open draw and the open Mic. at my studio building.
Coming to you in October. I thought it would be in September. but then again its about..... everything I talked about.
And with obligations .......I might not be open this 4th Friday.
Sooooo,many plans, that when I have time to think about everything a button seems to be installed " PANIC" Which started with a dream last night that I forgot how to paint. That seems to be the recurring dream when Im stressed about my art.
Working on that as we speak...........
NO psychotherapist need to respond......... had years of that......I know.........yes .........we all work with what we have been giving.
And what I don't understand why people just don't buy original artwork?
its a tight economy, I see mounds of art work that has been mass produced, walking out the door.
An artist might have put a few actual brush strokes on it. Its been ripped off by some unsuspecting new , very talented artist . Can not fault the artist , he/she needs to eat, pay rent.........
there are no straight answers, do this, this will come.
I see artist who are really talented, never get a break, is it all about being in the right place at the right time. Has nothing to do with real talent, and what is that, and how can that be measured. Everyone has a different confident measurement. Which in its self is or is it a problem?
And pricing.... oh boy, so many talented artist that don't know their value.
I may be one of them?
or those who just paint for fun and sell really cheap.
That sets the bar high for the rest of us. is that why we have no really great artist in this generation?
Well, I think there are many, one being Steven Assael, have you seen his drawings they will knock your socks off , Painting are just if not more beautiful.
So that brings up what makes Art, Art.... you have great painters of our time, and then you have Jeff Koons. Is it art?
Still don't know. I feel cheated when I look at his work. I could go on about that.
So instead of boring you , Im going to gain inspiration from watching the birds at my feeder outside my kitchen window and have a veggie burger with some tomato from my garden.
I will be sure to grab my painting stuff Saturday to ward off the crazy nightmares disrupting my sleep.
makes for a crazy day.
as you read.
So would you still buy my work, knowing me.